About "MURDER!":

Ever been to a party where you thought you were going to get murdered? We all have! That’s what makes "MURDER!" -- a new murder-mystery/comedy radio play -- a universal comedy experience. It touches on relatable themes like wanting to murder other people before they murder you, assuming a fake name in order to live as a member of the wealthy elite, and blackmailing people to prevent your own horrible secrets from coming out. Unlike anything else, Murder! is a comedy thriller that will have you laughing on the edge of your seat.

Listen to Episodes of "Murder!":

Episode 1: An Invitation

Episode 2: Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

Episode 3: Nobody's Business but mine

Episode 4: How many more years?

EPIsode 5: Must be the devil

Episode 6: motherless children

EPISODE 7: Going down slow

EPisode 8: Feeling good


Photos courtesy of Zach Kelly